Sunday, April 20, 2014

Primary activity, Easter activity with 52 children in all. The white faces are from bobing for candy in a big bowl of flour. Do not try this at home, it is dangerous, breathing in at wrong time can be fatal. They had chicken on the grill, cupcakes, candy and lots of games.


  1. Love all your pictures! Miss you guys!

  2. Just talked to Cheryl and got your blog address, have read all your posts, so very interesting. You both look great and it looks like they are keeping you busy. Keep up the good work and may The Lord bless you each day. Mary

  3. My son, Elder Mendenhall, will be entering SA MTC September 18th! We are excited for him to join SACTM!!!

    I am hoping to promote a way for missionary moms to keep in touch and support/lift each other!!! I found this a Facebook website.

    Any other suggestions!!!

    Many more prayers coming your way!

